About us

Lawyer with long experience
Manólis Nymark Consulting AB is represented by Manólis Nymark, who is also a consultant.
Manólis Nymark is a lawyer with extensive experience, primarily of issues relating to IT law. He previously worked for, among others, the National Board of Health and Welfare, the National Board of Forensic Medicine and was involved in the work relating to information supply in the judicial system (RIF), the judicial system’s development work for a common information structure. His previous positions mean that he also has extensive experience of the local government sector. He formerly held posts as Administrative Director and Deputy Chief Legal Counsel.
Manólis Nymark has international certification in information security (CISSP) and has published a number of books and articles about IT law and information security within the care services, including commentaries on the Patient Data Act and the Act on Coherent Health and Social Care Documentation (publisher Norstedts Juridik). He also lectures on these subjects. He is furthermore GDPR certified.