Advice and services
We have solid experience of the Swedish public sector and offer cutting-edge expertise within the health and social care services.
Legal Advice
We believe that our legal advice will add business value, provide legal security and aid the realisation of business concepts by identifying and reducing legal risks. This may involve anything from new cloud services, Apps or other e-services and products. If a legal audit is conducted at an early stage this can form a platform for your future business development in Sweden and be a good aid for creating optimum solutions, involving as little legal risk as possible and providing high market value.

Documented Legal Risk Analysis
Our audit of a service or product results in a documented legal risk analysis including recommendations on how to reduce or avoid any legal risks. The documentation is also evidence that your ‘homework’ has been done concerning business relationships or in the event of inspections by a Swedish compliance authorities.
Impact assessment according to GDPR
The GDPR states that an impact assessment is required if a particular type of processing of data is likely to result in a high risk for the rights and freedoms of natural persons (Article 35.1 and recital 84 of the GDPR). In some cases, an impact assessment must be carried out. The responsibility falls on the Data Controller, but can also “spill over” on vendors offering digital services. We carry out impact assessments according to GDPR.
Drawing up contracts
We help you to establish all relevant agreements within the framework of processing of personal data, data protection and confidentiality.
Review of data protection and information security
We offer an independent tailor-made review of your data protection and information security. You will receive a report with added value for improving your organization, strategic/tacticak planning as well as reducing the risk of administrative fines. During the review, we also provide ongoing advice based on best industry practice. The review is based on ISI 27001 certification methodology.
Advice in strategic information security
The strategic work on information security is based on the needs and objectives of the business. The right level of security must be identified and the remaining risk accepted by the business. We support the management’s work to find the right level of security and what to do.
Our range of services includes:

Legal risk analysis

Juridisk Legal advice

Drawing up contracts

Review of data protection and information security

Advice within strategic information security

Impact assessments according to GDPR
We can also undertake major projects and audits if called on. The company collaborates with company law offices and other legal expertise to ensure we can offer complete comprehensive solutions.